Access to case law in French from an individual’s own jurisdiction is an essential key to the law for practitioners, law students, and an informed public; the Centre has therefore undertaken to make the decisions that it translates for the Ontario court system available on its own website, consisting of the decisions of the Court of Appeal for Ontario translated at the Centre since 1998. We provide access here to one of the few repositories of French-language decisions for Ontario.
Ontario case law in French was made possible until 2013 by the financial contribution of the Department of Justice Canada through the Access to Justice in Both Official Languages Support Fund, an initiative of the Roadmap for Canada’s Official Languages 2013-2018: Education, Immigration, Communities. Since 2013, Ontario case law in French has been made possible by the joint financial contribution of the Law Society of Upper Canada and LexisNexis.
Since 2019, Justice Canada supports the translation and the publication of provincial judicial decisions in criminal law and in family law.